Join over 6 million young Europeans and enjoy tens of thousands of discounts in over 30 countries across Europe

What is the European Youth Card
What is the Student Card
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Get your Card here for FREE
Benefits for Businesses
Submission of Proposal for Cooperation

Download the free mobile application of the Card

Get your FREE European Youth Card Student Card now by submitting your application here, Once your application is reviewed, you will receive by email your card number. Download myEYC application from Playstore (for Android devices) or from the App Store (for iOS devices) and follow the instructions below: 

  1. If you don’t have an account, click on Sign Up and follow the steps below:
  1. Enter your card number
  2. Create your profile
  3. Enter the code you have received by email.
  1. If you already have an account, please enter your Username or email, as well as your password.

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